Kindly use below mentioned link to tender escorts shares in open offer without physical dis slip (Put your Client Code in place of XXXXX) when you copy this on browser, you will see the below screen.
Part A
Step 1 : Generate TPIN, in case you do not have T PIN then generate it by clicking on Generate T PIN option.
Step 2 : Enter quantity to be tendered against Enter Quantity column and tick the next tick box as shown on screen below. Please make sure that Trade Date as Current Date, Settlement Type as Open Offer and Control BO ID as mentioned in the offer letter received by you. Click on Generate EDIS Button.
Step 3 : When you click on Generate EDIS Button, You will be taken to CDSL Website and you will see below screen, wherein you need to enter T PIN
Step 4 : You will see below screen where you need to enter OTP received in email or mobile. CDSL send OTP on email as well as Mobile (For Indian mobile number). NRI will receive on email only.
Step 5 : You will see below success screen. This will complete first part of tendering process.
Step 6 :
Part B - ProStocks will upload your EDIS instruction to CDSL system.
Part C - Once Part B is completed you will receive SMS as well as email to authenticate the tarnsaction through otp on the link send in the email or go to this url" , give your PAN number and authenticate on below given screen.
You will see the scrip, Quantity and Destination Demat Account. Please ensure that all information are correct and submit.
Please ensure that above entire process is complete on same day before 6 PM and confirmed to us. Please ensure that this is done at least a day prior to last date of submission.