Your DIS book is like your cheque book. The following precautions are to be taken: -
- Ensure that DIS book is issued to you; do not accept loose slips.
- Ensure that DIS numbers are pre-printed and give acknowledgment for the DIS booklet issued to you.
- Ensure that your account number [client id] is pre-stamped.
- If your account is a joint account, all the joint holders have to sign the instruction slips. Instruction cannot be executed if all joint holders have not signed.
- Avoid using loose slips.
- Do not leave signed blank DIS with anyone viz. broker/sub-broker.
- Keep the DIS book under lock and key when not in use.
- If only one entry is made in the DIS, strike out remaining space to prevent misuse by any one.
- Please fill in target account -Id and all details in the DIS, yourself.